PCTG Consumer Complaint Report Record ID#: 1692206076

Date of Report Submission: 8/16/2023
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Complaint Comments:
PA DOI, We have Mr. Calvin Hines Bush 2019 KIA Sorento in our shop since August 7th, that same day we had submitted a supplemental request for all the photo app underestimated and underpaid repairs by omission and again on August 14 and today the original appraiser William Ceballos assisted us by re-submitting the supplemental request to Allstate for review! Apparently collision repair facilities are responsible to figure out and adhere to the ways and the changes of all claims process with all 300 plus insurance carrier in PA, because the PA CODE Laws & Regulations are overlooked by some insurance carriers but not others, just my thoughts! �MOTOR VEHICLE PHYSICAL DAMAGE APPRAISER ACT� Act of Dec. 29, 1972, P.L. 1713, No. 367 Cl. 63 (c) An appraiser may prepare a repair estimate obtained by personal inspection or by photographs, videos or telephonic means. An appraiser may not require the submission of photographs or videos in order to obtain an appraisal. An appraiser, or an insurer as part of the appraisal process, shall disclose to the owner of the vehicle that there is no requirement to submit photographs or videos in order to obtain an appraisal. ((c) amended Apr.14,2016,P.L.79,No.13) (d) No appraiser or his employer shall require that repairs be made in any specified repair shop. (5) Inspect a vehicle within six working days of assignment to the appraiser unless intervening circumstances (i.e. catastrophe, death, failure of the parties to cooperate) render such inspection impossible. We are asking for the PA DOI to please assist, and ask Allstate to follow the PA CODE Laws & Regulations with all of our PA consumers! Thank you, Art Agatsiotis 610 626 3176 GA COLLISION CENTER INC

Itemized Complaints
Violation of Act 367 Title 63, Ch. 22B:Yes
Violation of Regulation PA Code Title 31, Ch. 62:Yes
Violation of Unfair Ins. Practices Act Title 40, Ch. 4 :Yes
Violation of Unfair Claims Settlement PA Code Title 31, Ch. 146, Subch. A:Yes
Violation of Automotive Industry Trade Practices Title 37, Ch. 301:Yes
Illegal Steering/Directing:Yes
Arbitrary Capping & Underpayment:Yes
Refusal to use Quality OEM Parts:Yes
Non-itemized listing of all damages:Yes
Non-Independent Appraisal:Yes
Unprofessional Behavior:Yes
No regard for Public Safety:Yes
Refusal to re-inspect vehicle:Yes
Inaccurate description of repairs :Yes

Consumers Information
Name:**removed for privacy**
Address:**removed for privacy**
Daytime Phone:**removed for privacy**Evening Phone:**removed for privacy**

Repair Facility Information
State Appraiser License:N/A
Shop Representative:Art Agatsiotis
Address:510 W Cobbs Creek Parkway

Insurance Information
Insurance Company:ALLSTATE
Claim Number:000716872700D01
Insurance Company Representative:ALLSTATEDate of loss:JUNE 8, 2023
Appraiser License Number:UNK
Insurance Company Phone:888-706-3686

Legislator Information
Consumer Legislative Representative:Driscoll, Michael J. (D) District 173Consumer Senator:Sabatina, John P. (D) District 5
Repair Facility Legislative Representative:McClinton, Joanna E. (D) District 191Repair Facility Senator:Williams, Anthony H. (D) District 8

PCTG Consumer Complaint Report Record ID#: 1692206076

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