PCTG Consumer Complaint Investigation Report

The information submitted from this form is saved to a database and some of the collected data is available for public access. Consumer information is not made available for public access on this web site. A copy of the complete report is processed by the PCTG administrative office and forwarded to the Department of Insurance.

Consumer Name

City, State and ZIP
Phone Number

Day time


2 Repair Facility

State Appraiser License #

  Shop Representative
  City, State and ZIP
3 Insurance Company
  Insurance Co.
 Claim Number #
  Insurance Co. Representative   Date of Loss
  Appraiser License #
4 Consumer�s Legislative Representative Senator

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     Repair Facility�s Legislative Representative




Violation of Act 367 Title 63, Ch. 22B
Violation of RegulationPA Code Title 31, Ch. 62
Violation of Unfair Ins. Practices Act Title 40, Ch. 4

Violation of Unfair Claims Settlement PA Code Title 31, Ch. 146, Subch. A
Violation of Automotive Industry    Trade PracticesTitle 37, Ch. 301

Illegal Steering/Directing
Refusal or Failure to Sign
Appraiser License Omitted
Refusal to leave copy of appraisal
Arbitrary Capping & Underpayment
Refusal to use Quality OEM Parts
Non-itemized listing of all damages


Non-Independent Appraisal
Unprofessional Behavior
No regard for Public Safety
Non-personal Inspection
Refusal to re-inspect vehicle
Inaccurate Total Loss Evaluation
Inaccurate description of repairs



Brief Explanation of Violations:



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